Top 10 Names Listed on 229 Wallace Ave. Mural
More than a dozen residents came out over the weekend to help "tag" the old D & M Lumber building with the Top Ten Neighbourhood Names. The result is a wonky and awesome display that is already generating loads of attention and discussion. While the work was underway, passersby honked and shouted out their favourite names. We hope the huge red VOTE tag will remind residents to do just that between March 1 and March 14, the final voting round. Thanks to everyone who came out to help with yet another unusual fuzzy endeavour. And a special thank you to Ashley and Michael at 229 Wallace Lofts for the use of the building front! The building is slated for demolition on March 17th before construction begins on 10 commercial loft units that will help attract and keep businesses in the neighbourhood. In the interim, this old building is playing its final role as a community billboard. More photos by local photographer Martin Reis. His complete gallery is posted on Flickr.
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Looks great.
biked by it the other day and it brought a big smile to my face.
cant wait till our hood gets a name...
talk about colourful!
What a great way to make use, even briefly, of what has become a sad little spot. I'm intrigued to see what springs up here when the "billboard" is taken away. And still more intrigued to see which name gets chosen.
An ugly building is what
An ugly building is what springs up. Sorry but its the truth.
Important Building
Regardless of the validity of your opinion, I think two things are important here. The building will create more commercial opportunities that will help keep jobs right here in the neighbourhood.
Secondly, your opinion would carry more weight if you would stand behind it with your name rather than blog it anonymously. If you feel strongly about the appearance of the building, why not call Ashley or Michael. The number is posted right on their sign in front of the building and they are very approachable people.
Kevin Putnam
Artist's Concept
Great to see the Mural come to fruition! Congrats to everyone for all the hard work on a chilly weekend. As to what's going up in place of the building currently on site, please keep in mind that it's an "artist's concept" on the billboard at the site. Having seen the plans and in discussion with the developer and design team, I'm hopeful the community will be pleased with the change in scenery and jobs that 229 Wallace Lofts will bring to the neighborhood. And as Kevin says, I'm accessible and available if anyone wants to have a talk about the project. Email me at michael@229wallace.com and I'd be happy to discuss anything about the project.